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meaning to stitch 18 - hidden histories revealed

I stitch by hand to tell stories, share ideas and explore themes which influence my life. I make for myself, for pleasure and reflection, often starting with research before letting work develop organically. My usual materials are reclaimed cloth and meaningful objects. As well as stitch I add other techniques when I feel the subject needs them. For this piece the antique christening gown prompted me to explore the effect of old “secrets” on my family. Research revealed close connections with slavery which I struggled to absorb and articulate. The process of developing this piece helped me to crystallise and express my response. The choice of  other materials and techniques, silk organza, simple stitching and print, was guided by that response. Hidden Histories is my attempt to  honour the memory and acknowledge the suffering of some of the slaves whose work enabled the life of my family - their potential was stolen and thwarted by the abusive servitude of plantation labour. this is th

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